Headphones that every lifter NEEDS!

Music is a MUST for GAINZ Any lifter knows that music plays an important role in the gym.  Music is a psychological booster and can effect your workout out in a positive or negative way.  One thing that bothered me was wired headphones, the wire always got tangled or caught up in my shirt.  The... Continue Reading →

GoPro Hero 5!!!

I picked up my first go pro a couple years ago so that my buddies and I could film some cool action shots with our cars.  Three years later I still have that my first one but I picked up a new one the Hero 5.  I use this thing on family vacations, hikes, on... Continue Reading →

JBL Speaker for unlimited Uses!!!

My buddy showed me a portable speaker he picked up the other day call the JBL Flip 4 Waterproof portable speaker and man does this thing put out some noise.  With beach season coming up we like to go to the football field and do some HITT (Look for our favorite HITT workouts coming soon)... Continue Reading →

Racquetball for cardio???

On Saturdays we like to go to gym and play racquetball.  We're not big fans of hitting the treadmill for cardio, not that there's anything wrong with the treadmill but we get bored so play racquetball.  When we first started playing we realized how much it got our blood pumping and  heart rate up.  Getting... Continue Reading →

Power Rack for Home Gym

Looking to build a home gym?  Look no further than the CAP barbell full cage power rack (Link to amazon)!  While in school we got together and purchased this same rack for our basement gym and it went perfect with our barbell set from Dick's.  The reason we went with this one is that for... Continue Reading →

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