Personal Training

Are you a beginner or experienced lifter?  We can help you get started and break your fitness plateaus!  Email us at and let us help you crush your fitness goals!!!!

Exercise of the Day

Single Arm Seated Dumbbell Press Isolation movements are a proven method to build up lagging muscles.  Shoulders are a relatively small muscle group and require a decent amount of reps to grow.  The problem many people face along with myself is that my shoulders grow differently because of other lifts I do.  Your shoulders play... Continue Reading →

Headphones that every lifter NEEDS!

Music is a MUST for GAINZ Any lifter knows that music plays an important role in the gym.  Music is a psychological booster and can effect your workout out in a positive or negative way.  One thing that bothered me was wired headphones, the wire always got tangled or caught up in my shirt.  The... Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Day

Close Grip Lat Pull Downs We're hitting close grip lat pull downs.  This isn't your compound movement but an accessory movement.  You want to add this as your third or fourth back workout. Muscles This is going to hit your lats and by that I mean your going to feel a deep stretch in your... Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Day

Incline Bench Pause Reps The incline bench press is best known for building the upper chest.  We took that concept and added pause reps.  You go through your normal workout and for the last set or two add pauses reps.  You want to hit 4-6 reps and pause at the bottom for 2-3 seconds.   This... Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Day

Single Arm Cable Rows Rows are essential to a thick strong back.  There are many variations to the row, you have the cable rows, barbell rows, dumbbell rows and t-bar rows to name a few.  We like to hit single arm cable rows because they are an isolation movement which allows us to target imbalances... Continue Reading →

Grow your chest with these 3 exercises!

Movements: Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press: Complete 4 sets 8-12 reps each arm Landmine Press: Complete 4 sets 8-12 reps (two hands) or 4 sets 12-15 reps (single arm) Weighted Push Ups: Complete 3 sets to failure at the end of your workout (add whatever weight you'd be comfortable with When to add these to your workouts: You... Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Day

Landmine Chest Press The landmine chest press is one of our favorite chest accessory movements that isn't well known.  The movement mainly targets the upper chest and inner chest.  We use two hands to hold the bar but you can use one arm.  We like to add this halfway through or at the end of... Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Day

Dumbbell Lunges Everyone who has done lunges knows lunges suck but you can't deny the gainz you get from them.  Lunges grow your glutes and quads.  Now you may be thinking why do I want to grow my glutes,  Your glutes play a major factor in both deadlifts and squats.  Lunges are a great accessory... Continue Reading →

Exercise of the Day

21's Its Friday and that means ARMS!!! We're bringing it back to a proven mass gainer with 21's.  To do this you do three sets of 7 to complete 1 full set.  The rotation is up to you but we like to start with the bottom then go full motion and finally end with the... Continue Reading →

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